Download Intolerance (1916) Colorized HD | D.W. Griffith | Epic Historical Drama | Silent Film Masterpiece
“Intolerance” (1916) is D.W. Griffith’s groundbreaking silent epic, weaving four historical narratives into a grand exploration of human conflict. Now beautifully colorized and restored in HD, this cinematic landmark showcases early Hollywood’s unparalleled ambition and artistry.
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This classic black-and-white movie has been expertly colorized for a fresh viewing experience.
Step into the grand vision of pioneering filmmaker D.W. Griffith with “Intolerance” (1916), now meticulously colorized and restored in high definition. This monumental silent epic weaves together four distinct historical narratives, spanning millennia to explore the timeless themes of love, hatred, and human struggle.
: D.W. Griffith
Lillian Gish as The Eternal Mother
Mae Marsh as The Dear One
Robert Harron as The Boy
F.A. Turner as The Father
Sam De Grasse as Arthur Jenkins
Vera Lewis as Mary T. Jenkins
Constance Talmadge as The Mountain Girl
Elmer Clifton as The Rhapsode
Alfred Paget as Prince Belshazzar
Seena Owen as The Princess Beloved
“Intolerance” ambitiously intercuts four parallel storylines, each set in a different era:
: A tale of class struggle and injustice in early 20th-century America.
: The life and crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
: The St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre of French Huguenots.
: The fall of the Babylonian Empire to Persia.
Through these interconnected narratives, Griffith explores how intolerance and fanaticism have shaped human history, creating a work that remains startlingly relevant to modern audiences.
Our team of expert colorists has painstakingly restored and colorized “Intolerance,” transforming Griffith’s black-and-white masterpiece into a vibrant, full-color spectacle. Using cutting-edge AI technology combined with meticulous hand-crafting, we’ve ensured that every frame respects the original cinematography while adding a new dimension of visual richness.
The colorization process enhances the film’s already impressive production design, from the towering sets of ancient Babylon to the intimate details of 20th-century costume. Griffith’s pioneering use of close-ups, tracking shots, and cross-cutting editing techniques now shine with renewed clarity and impact.
: 1916
: 197 minutes (restored version)
: Historical Epic / Silent Drama
: 1.33:1 (restored to original theatrical presentation)
: New orchestral score, plus option for original 1916 score
: Full HD (1920×1080)
: MP4 (compatible with most modern devices and smart TVs)
“Intolerance” stands as a testament to the ambition and artistry of early Hollywood. Its massive sets, particularly the recreation of ancient Babylon, were unprecedented in scale and remain impressive even by today’s standards. The film’s innovative narrative structure, interweaving multiple storylines across time, was revolutionary for its era and continues to influence filmmakers today.
Despite its initial mixed reception, “Intolerance” has since been recognized as one of the most important and influential films ever made. Its technical innovations, epic scope, and powerful themes have secured its place in the pantheon of cinema classics.
: Our restoration process combines state-of-the-art technology with historical accuracy to bring new depth to Griffith’s visionary work.
: Color adds clarity to the film’s complex narrative structure, helping modern viewers better follow and appreciate its intertwining stories.
: The colorization offers new perspectives on early 20th-century filmmaking techniques and set design.
: Perfect for film students, history enthusiasts, and anyone interested in the evolution of cinema.
: Includes a documentary on the colorization process and historical context of the film’s production and reception.
: Does colorization alter the artistic intent of the original film?
A: Our colorization process is designed to enhance, not replace, Griffith’s original vision. We’ve worked closely with film historians to ensure historical accuracy and respect for the filmmaker’s intentions.
: Is the original black-and-white version included?
A: Yes, your purchase includes both the colorized version and the original black-and-white edition.
: How does this version compare to previous restorations?
A: This is the most comprehensive restoration to date, combining 4K scanning of the best surviving elements with our advanced colorization process.
: Is “Intolerance” suitable for all audiences?
A: While the film deals with mature themes, its depiction of violence is relatively tame by modern standards. It’s appropriate for viewers interested in classic cinema and history.
Don’t miss this opportunity to own a piece of film history, beautifully restored and reimagined for the 21st century. “Intolerance” is more than just a movie—it’s a groundbreaking artistic achievement that helped shape the language of cinema as we know it.
Download your colorized copy of “Intolerance” (1916) today and immerse yourself in D.W. Griffith’s epic vision, now more vivid and powerful than ever before!
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This item is a manufactured-on-demand release. Upon purchase, the label that owns the rights to these MOD releases provides a custom download link for each order. Most titles previously had a physical disc release but have since gone out of print and are now only available as digital downloads through this service.
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